I'm a big fan of cranberry. I could drink an entire bottle of Ocean Spray in one sitting. I even bought cranberry juice concentrate for its therapeutic benefits. But I had to stop drinking it when I went diabetic, because actual cranberry juice cocktail is absolutely crammed with sugar. (Cranberry juice and Southern Comfort makes a great drink called a "Scarlet O'Hara". But I can't drink THAT anymore, either.) I get both the Energy and the Caffeine Free, but this is about the latter. It's a great cranberry flavor, and isn't cloyingly sweet. It has some of that sour tang that cranberry is famous for. I like to mix all my flavors of Gamer Supps, and have found a couple that simply do NOT go together, but Copium mixes very well with a lot of flavors, especially the Pineapple Cocktail, Sour Apple, Clyde's Black Cherry, and Kaho's Bloody Orange. Try it, you'll like it!